
ஆகஸ்ட், 2024 இலிருந்து இடுகைகளைக் காட்டுகிறது

Someone to Talk to - A full life

 [19:18, 15/08/2024] Ma Sivakumar: Qiaoling telling her son Aiguo her life story When Aiguo was into his forties, his mother started talking to him about her past. As a boy Aiguo was not her favourite, but her eldest son was. But in her seventies she opens up only to him, her second son. Qiaoling was kidnapped away from her step father by a rat poison  peddler. He wanted to become rich, rat poison business will not help to become rich. He decided on a side business. Gets friendly with Qiaoling and her step-father. Her step-father was faking a search for his wife (Qiaoling's mother) and her lover. So, was staying in the same inn as the rat peddler. Taking advantage of Qiaoling's step-father's absence one morning, the rat poison peddler takes her with him. He tells her that they are going to her step-father. Qiaoling, though still a small girl, grows up in those days. She was polite to the rat poison peddler who she thinks was taking her to her step father. During the breaks

Qiailing - Gaixin - Chang'e

[12/08, 07:40] Ma Sivakumar: One of my favourite authors is Liu Zhenyun.  Recently, I read his masterpiece "Someone To Talk To".  I won't ask you to read it, I will write about it for you. Will read it again and write to you. In this novel, Liu Zhenyun uses a distinctive style, taking the style of classical Chinese "linked chapter" novels to offer a wide-angled panoramic view of the complex chain of emotions of several (should say, innumerable) persons to track the life of one girl -  whose biological father was killed when she was a child, then her mother abandons her and her stepfather, then she gets kidnapped from her step father - change hands through three human traffickers,  gets adopted in a family, grows up, gets married not to her first love, bears four children, gets close to her grand daughter, and dies at 70 surrounded by her three sons, daughter and grandchild. All about "Someone To Talk To". [13/08, 08:10] Ma Sivakumar: Qiaoling aka Gaixi